
Feb 26, 2019

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1463: The Doom Patrol #109, February 1967

They're not dead?
Well. I was certainly fooled.

If you read enough comics from this era, you'll see the trick of yesterday's cover and story played out over and over again. And this was even before heroes were in the habit of coming back from actual death. More usually, the heroes were replaced at the last minute, or weren't quite dead (as today's issue tells us), or it was all part of an elaborate plan.

So the Doom Patrol didn't die last issue. Sorry for the 50+ year old spoiler. This is simply the latest twist in an already maze-like story. My experience is that it's relatively rare to have this prolonged a story in a superhero comic of this era. While Beast Boy's situation has been a background plot thread, over the last few issues it's jumped into the spotlight, and the tale has spilled over into multiple issues. This, I suppose, is what we'd call a story arc at the moment, a discrete adventure within the continuing uber-adventure that is the story called "Doom Patrol." And it continues next issue, as the Patrol let the world think them dead in order to trap Galtry and his allies.

Now that I've written that, I'm having a feeling of deja vu, and I really think I may have made a similar claim in one of my other Doom Patrol reviews. I'll have to read some more comics from the early to mid-sixties, and see if my hypothesis is correct. I've been thinking of reading some old Superman lately...

Garguax melts down his plastic androids and makes them into the giant blue demon-looking thing on the front cover. And Mento and the Doom Patrol get into a fight. *sigh* Again.

"ARRGH! The slimy -- sinewy -- sea thing! *Gasp* Choking me! *Gasp* Can't get hold of it! "Choke*"

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