
Feb 25, 2019

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1462: The Doom Patrol #108, December 1966

It really does appear that the Doom Patrol die in this issue. And somehow Galtry, Beast Boy's guardian, is mixed up with the Brotherhood of Evil. I'll sort it all out next issue and let you know.

But what really struck me about today's comic, and what strikes me about comics from this era in general, is the amount of advertising comics that are in them. So I thought that today I'd give you some comics to read that have, almost certainly, never been reprinted. There's a PSA from the National Social Welfare Assembly, whose comics I was reproducing for a little while. I may have to get back to them as I'm stuck into some 60s comics for the next little while. And there's lots for model building. Must have been a big thing back then. Enjoy!

"Monsieur Mallah! The gorilla with eh IQ of a genius -- the one The Brain created with his mind-expanding ray!" - ahhh, exposition.

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