
Oct 23, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 971: Avengers v.1 #279, May 1987

Not much to say about this one, really. The Avengers try to figure out who's going to lead now that the Wasp has departed, and they take care of some small-ish problems (in contrast to what they've just been through, anyway) while trying to make the decision.

Inevitably, because it completely fits her arc thus far, Captain Marvel is nominated, and then accepts, the role of chairperson.

And, really, that's about it. Black Knight, She-Hulk, and Doctor Druid have an ocean-side run-in on Hydrobase, and Captain America does those heroic things he's always doing. A good issue, but nothing super spectacular, or surprising, happens.

To be continued.

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