
Sep 24, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 942: Avengers v.1 #259, September 1985

Space adventure!

The Avengers and the Justice League are two superhero teams often compared. I've always felt that the JLA come across far more godlike than the Avengers - this is a function of their respective universes, and the particular perspective each offers on the superheroic. But the Avengers have their moments too (especially in Jonathan Hickman's run on the title, but we'll get there one day), and many of those moments come when they're out in space and having to simply be more than human. On Earth, they have the option of being human because most of the people they're dealing with are human. But in space, they have to set aside their little human pettinesses (we all have them, you know it's true) and deal with creatures very often on a level of civilization (see the Kardashev Scale) that of our little backwater planet. And it's at those moments, when interacting on an intergalactic scale, that we start to see the iconic power of the Marvel heroes, a power that is often explicit with the DC heroes, but more implicit with these ones. Today's comic begins a little run of comics in which we're going to get to see that iconicity.

To be continued.

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