
Sep 23, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 941: Avengers v.1 #258, August 1985

Another of those covers that's a bit misleading today. While we do see a bit of Firelord's fury, most of it is off-camera in issues of The Amazing Spider-Man, though seeing Spider-Man take down a former herald of Galactus is not something one sees everyday. And the Avengers, who show up just in time to see Spidey win the battle, are of the same opinion. I think, sometimes, that Spider-Man is a wonderful example of something that gets brought up in the very first issue of Alan Moore's Supreme. As other versions of Supreme are flying down to meet the new avatar, one of them warns the others to be careful, that he's a 90s character, so his powers are going to be so undefined as to possibly be unlimited. Consider, then, that Spider-Man often has his ass handed to him by a middle-aged man in a goblin costume, but then is also capable of taking down one of the more powerful beings in the universe.

Must be that black costume.

There's a lovely, and very touching, moment in today's issue, as Hercules takes a crestfallen Ka-Zar to see the remains of Terminus, hoping that the knowledge of the enemy's defeat will make the loss of his home, and his people, a little easier to deal with. Ka-Zar acknowledges this, but it really is only a little easier.

And things heat up with Captain Marvel, setting up tomorrow's (and the subsequent days') adventures with the shattered Skrull empire. About time we had some deep space action. Very exciting.

To be continued.

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