
Sep 20, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 938: Avengers v.1 #255, May 1985

A bit of an epilogue/prologue situation here. Epilogue-wise, the Vision heads to Washington D.C. to account for himself, relinquishing the chairmanship of the Avengers back to the Wasp. Everyone's kind of touchy feely, a little too much, I think, given that the Vision tried to take over the planet.

But more interesting things are happening out in space, where Captain Marvel finally arrives at Thanos's old ship and discovers more than she bargained for. I think we may be looking at an interstellar adventure with the Avengers, which is exciting as we haven't had one for this whole run. I'd love to see the Earth's Mightiest holding forth with some of the alien races of the Marvel U.

That's all I've got for today. To be continued.

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