
Sep 19, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 937: Avengers v.1 #254, April 1985

The Vision manages to stay just the right side of super-villainy in today's comic. As Captain America eventually notes, there was no cruelty or meanness in the Vision's actions, meaning, I guess, that it's okay to take over the world, as long as your intentions are good.

I'm being facetious of course.

As you may have guessed, the Vision's plan fails, thanks in part to the Avengers and in part to the Vision's own realization of the folly of his plan. As the pieces are picked up (including, if the corner indicia box is anything to go by, the inclusion of the Black Knight in the ranks of the Avengers), events outside of the confines of Avengers Mansion suggest that the story of the Vision's attempt to create a utopia is far from over. We'll find out about that tomorrow, I suppose.

One thing I hadn't realized was that the West Coast team featured so prominently in the main title after the close of their miniseries. It's not too long after this issue that the ongoing West Coast Avengers series begins, but it's nice to see that the introduction of the new team wasn't just a throwaway. They're actually integral parts of the Avengers portion of the Marvel U. In fact, as one of the many Visions who appear in this comic notes, the team was actually created as a part of the plan to take over the world. That throws an interesting light on the team, one that makes their formation just a little darker than the original team. And, given what happens to the WCA in the early 90s, that's fitting.

To be continued.

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