
Feb 28, 2022

Well...What Now?

The end of February finally rears its head, as did, a few days ago, the end of year 7 of the 40 Years project.

Year 7 was difficult. As was year 6. On top of the tumult created by a cartoon character running the most dangerous country in the world and a global pandemic that a bunch of idiots seemed to think was a hoax, I've been doing some intense therapy and life alteration, trying to pull myself out of a hole of worthlessness, hopelessness, and disappointment. I'm still disappointed in the human race. We could be doing so much better.

Year 8 of the project will start tomorrow, March 1. Resetting the anniversary to this date makes it much easier for me to keep track, and I really want Year 8 to be a good one. I'm writing more and I'm thinking more. I've let my interest in comics recede somewhat over the last couple of years, but I'm trying to renew my interest and poke about in some of the less highlighted aspects of the hobby.

To that end, here are the only two comics I am currently following:

Ice Cream Man - easily one of the most creative and strange comics I've ever read. Imagine Twin Peaks meets Sandman meets Twilight Zone, and you have the beginning of an idea of what this comic is like. Disturbing and amusing, sometimes at exactly the same time. Worth a read.

Echolands - honestly, if J.H. Williams III is attached as an artist to a project, it's basically a slam dunk for me. I think, of all artists working in the field, he has the best understanding of how art can reflect story in comics. His work embodies the idea of the medium being the message. Echolands is a cool-ass fantasy/sci-fi story that deserves your attention.

See you tomorrow?

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