
May 14, 2019

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1540: American Freak #3, April 1994

It really is exactly as I feared. American Freak is reading like a very long BSfUC, and it's very uncomfortable. Vince Locke's artwork is fantastic, made all the moreso by Chris Chuckry's colours. The comic isn't just narratively difficult to process, but also visually. The metamorphosis of Damien Kane is not obscured or sanitized. It really does look like his body is breaking down and reforming into something else. The colours are uncomfortably close in their palate to the palate of skin tones, giving the series an unsettlingly organic feel. Intentional, I'm sure.

One thing I love about these kind of underdog stories is that it's always the idle rich who are the real monsters in the story. Kane is captured by a socialite who throws parties for his wealthy friends in which he shows off "freaks" he has acquired. Nice bunch of folks.

"I no longer felt like I was being destroyed...just 'recreated'..."

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