
Apr 3, 2019

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1499: The Adventures of Superman #588, March 2001

The run of Adventures of Superman that we're about to embark upon was published during the time that I had my comic store, which mostly accounts for my having the comics. But a few years later I discovered Joe Casey's writing, highly, highly underrated in the comics community, and I decided to see what he had to say about the Man of Steel. I loved G0dland, so I figured Mr. Casey and company would be doing interesting things with Superman. I was not disappointed.

It's a relatively long run, so I might break it up a bit, and today's issue, the first with Casey pulling solo writing chores, seems to be finishing up the previous storyline by J.M. DeMatteis, another of my favourite comic writers. I always pay attention when we see another writer finishing off the previous writer's story. It usually means that the previous writer left suddenly, either of their own volition, or not. The best example I have in the collection is Ralph Macchio taking over for Roger Stern after the latter's departure. That was not an amicable split, and the resulting comics were a huge insult to Stern's masterful run. I don't see that happening here, though I am curious as to why DeMatteis left before the story finished.

Of course, the other side of that is that I now have to track down the issue that DeMatteis wrote. But we'll leave that for another time. Today, we're happy to get Superman out of Hell (I think), and back to Metropolis.

"Make way for the little old lady, woudlja?!"

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