
Mar 27, 2019

The Faces of Glory - Alan Moore's Glory #1 [Wraparound Variant, Avatar Press]

I hope you'll forgive my attempt at stitching this picture. I'm not great at it yet. And, to be fair, the tech I'm using isn't the best either.

A bit more of the Mychaels work today. He's definitely got the sexy warrior vibe going in his pieces, less about the corporeal than Martin, but not quite the warrior that we see in Haley (wait until you see his issue #2 variant. Probably my favourite).

This is the wraparound variant of issue #1 of the Avatar Press series, art by Marat Mychaels. We'll see a bit more of Mychaels' art, and that villainess, and her utterly ridiculous cleavage, later on. I don't really understand this cover. Is the horned lady watching Glory getting angry at her readership? That seems weird.

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