
Mar 29, 2019

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1494: National Lampoon v.1 #71, February 1976

You'll notice up there on the cover the words "Clowning Around with Tits."

One thing I will say about National Lampoon is that you're pretty much always guaranteed at least on nice picture of breasts per issue. Now, before I'm shit upon, yes, it sucks that there aren't as many bare-chested men with rippling abs and lovely pecs. It sucks that there aren't more representative body shapes and colours as well. I'd love to see all of that just as much as you would. But in reading something that's now 40+ years in the past, especially something as contentious as National Lampoon, one has to see the positives where one can.

And I'm positive that there's always going to be some nice breasts to look at in National Lampoon.

Today's issue also had a comic in it about people who came to realize they were made of ink, and that their world was defined by panels, and it did some fucking wonderful, insane things with self-referential comics.

Actually, just read it. It's fucking great. From the mind of Ed Subitzky.

"Well, Solevitch believes it's all done for something called a 'reader'!"

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