
Nov 13, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1357: The Brave and the Bold #138, November 1977

This is another one of those situations in which the first time I saw this cover was literally seconds ago when I downloaded it from the GCD. My copy of today's comic is one of the ones in the collection that lacks a cover. A long-time reader will know that, for me, condition is not really a problem. If I can read the story, I'm happy with the comic.

Well, in theory. In practice, as with any comic, sometimes the stories do not make me happy. This one didn't. As I was reading it, I felt like the whole thing was taking place on Earth-H. All of the dialogue sounded like every single one of those Hostess ads, to the point that I now wonder if Bob Haney actually wrote them. The villain of the piece is a rival escape artist who manages to get the best of FUCKING BATMAN AND MR. MIRACLE!!!

The setting, the inside of an exploding volcano, is neat, but obviously super-stretching the bounds of reality. Everyone in the comic, and the comic itself, would have been burnt and crispy well before getting into the inevitable tunnels that seem to permeate all volcanoes in media.

I'd felt this morning that it had been a while since I'd read a good old superhero tale. I'll try again tomorrow. Second time's a charm?

More to come...

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