
Sep 15, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1298: Meef Comix #1, 1972

I picked this up today, along with a collection of old Harvey horror comics, at the Purple Gorilla, my absolute favourite comic store ever.

And I mean that.

Today's comic, featuring the talents of Fred Schrier and Dave Sheridan, is beautiful and strange, a journey through dreams and nightmares in the quest to shrink an over-sized head. No metaphors here...move along!

What I love about the undergrounds is that although they're very often grouped together, they're all really so disparate. The content of today's comic is so different from what R. Crumb was producing at the same time, though both definitely take aim at the problems of contemporary society. If not art, if not genre, then perhaps politics has to be seen at the through line in the undergrounds.  Well, and sex, of course. Though there wasn't a lot of that in today's issue.

Dream comics are an interesting sub-genre. Rick Veitch's Rarebit Fiends springs immediately to mind, though I'm sure I've read some others. I used to teach a course that used the literature of dreams as its locus. It was fun, but I never really delved into any of the really weird dream literature that's out there. It was, after all, only a first year class!

More to come...

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