
Sep 2, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1285: Vortex #9, May 1984

Ty Templeton's "Killing Dragons" has an excellent denouement, which I won't spoil here just in case anyone ever wants to go out and track this issue down. It's a thoroughly satisfying ending to a story.

The other standout for today is Dan Day and Jim Waley's "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust," a grim tale that very nicely encapsulates what it was like to live in the last years of the Cold War. I try to explain to people younger than me that the rhetoric of the day was that we'd all likely die within the decade from a nuclear war. As the 80s grew old, the possibility of it loomed less direly, but it was still there. That was a dark decade, which is perhaps why it's having a bit of a renaissance these days.

No more Vortex, unfortunately, but a couple of other comics from the publisher. More to come...

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