
Aug 24, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1276: Ash Mini Comic, 1995

This story literally takes place between two pages of the regular Ash series. I don't know much about that series, except that it's about a super-powered fire fighter. It's got Quesada/Palmiotti art, which is always lovely to look at. Even the cover attests the way they play with solidity and form. There's an interesting body language at play, in that bodies in the comic have their own language. If Ash is losing control, he looks more beastly, almost like a bear.

However, outside of the context of the series, I'm not sure what was going on. There's something kind of nice and zen about reading a comic that one lacks the context for. I can just immerse myself briefly in something strange and exciting, and then I pop back out and delve into something else. Perhaps I'll try to hit up some really random things over the next little while.

More to come...

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