
Oct 10, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 958: Avengers v.1 #268, June 1986

While half the team looks for the other half, Kang's plans begin to take shape. There's some interesting interactions in this comic, and in yesterday's, between Kang and his beloved, the Lady Ravonna. Kang goes on about killing his alternate selves, and creating a vast empire across time, and Ravonna seems to totally be okay with it while not actually sharing in his ambition. How would one even react to that? "Hey, honey, I think I want to take over all time and space. Wanna help?" "No, sweetie, that's okay. But enjoy yourself, and let me know how things go."

I think managing that kind of relationship would be very difficult.

Much as I've been looking forward to the Kang storyline, it's moving at a pretty slow pace - is this similar to the trend I've noticed in television and film these days? Everything seems to need to move at a breakneck pace in order to be considered interesting. I'm not sure the same can be said of comics, but there's definitely some slow-movers in this run of Avengers. This is one of the dangers of the story arc, that there's going to be moments between where not too much happens. Maybe tomorrow.

(It could also be that I'm just really exhausted these days, and nothing's really jumping out at me. *sigh*)

To be continued.

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