
Oct 7, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 955: Prophet - Earth War #5, July 2016

Hopefully I'm not jumping the gun by saying this, but I'm really glad that this reboot (and, I think, most of the reboots from around this time) avoided bringing Rob Liefeld in as a guest artist, simply by dint of the fact that he "created" these characters. He's just not a good artist, and his style would have been utterly utterly awful in this comic, in Glory, in Supreme. Now, having said that, I'm sure the next issue all Liefeld.

I know I said it yesterday, but I have no idea where this series is going. Obstacles have been overcome, allies are dying, and the enemy seems to have grown more powerful than our intrepid heroes can imagine. Are we heading for an unhappy ending? Will the Earth Empire, or Red Exmere and Multi-Muitox (those two up on the cover), triumph, putting down the free armies' rebellion once and for all? It's possible, and would actually be a really wonderful ending for this story, if only because it would be so unexpected. Superhero comics rarely end in the defeat of the hero. Go ahead. Someone prove me wrong.

After tomorrow's issue, it's going to be slightly jarring to move back into the melodrama of the 80s Avengers. But given that Prophet himself is seen as a thinly-veiled Captain America type, imagining the Prophet series as a possible future for Cap in the Avengers (Diehard as Iron Man, perhaps?) is actually kind of neat.

To be continued.

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