
Sep 12, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 930: Prophet #43, March 2014

Another reminisce, this time from Hiyonhoiagn, the plant brother on the Insula Tergum. The battle/joining between Badrock and Troll continues apace, and Old Man Prophet's ship is under attack from an armoured Earth Empire Prophet clone. It seems that even in the wake of a battle between gods, the Empire Prophets cannot abide an enemy in their midst.

This 43rd issue is the third last of the ongoing series. For a while there it seemed like things were moving to a head with the confrontation between Old Man's freedom fighters and the arc of Newfather Prophet. The interruption of the cosmic clash now in progress has thrown that all to the winds. Newfather is no longer a concern. His arc brothers have been captured by pirates, and the leader of the pirates has joined with the interstellar pain beast that was the impetus for drawing Badrock out in the first place. Basically, shit's gone haywire.

(Also, Interstellar Pain Beast is an excellent band name.)

This is not to say that anyone has forgotten the fact that a brutal and dictatorial Empire is re-establishing itself on Earth, and that, from all indications, the last time this happened, there was a devastating war. But right now, I think it's a matter of staying alive in the face of much bigger problems.

In it's portrayal of the Earth Empire minions, the comic is depicting a very typically human attribute, one that we continue to cleave to, despite the best efforts of our cosmologists. We, much of the time, simply refuse to recognize just how small we actually are in the scheme of things. The "Pale Blue Dot" picture and accompanying Sagan quotation are wonderful articulations of our tininess, but we still, despite knowing how small we are, think that our concerns, and in this I mean our as in "our species," are the most important things ever. EVER! If we could just see past this occasionally, we might live on a happier planet. And not seem to be actually steering toward the dictatorial clone species of the Earth Empire.

But maybe I'm just feeling bitter about people today. To be continued.

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