
Sep 7, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 925: Avengers v.1 #251, January 1985

Just as things with the Vision start getting interesting, we're going to take a break from Avengers. Today's graphic novel leads into a run of Prophet comics I would like to read, so we're going to spend probably the next week or two making our way through the balance of that series.

But, lo and behold, the Vision's plan is revealed. Shall I tell you?

Basically, he wants to take over the world. Having seen the example of Isaac on Titan, the Vision believes that his artificial mind will be able to run all of Earth's computer systems and, presumably, this will turn Earth into the same kind of utopic society as that of the Titanian Eternals. I think we can all see what's coming, and it's the kind of question that I love seeing in superhero comics: What differentiates this plan from that of another would-be world conqueror? Ostensibly, the Vision is doing what he thinks is best for the world, so what's the problem. He's not technically ruling things, simply running them. And, really, wouldn't it be nice to have a completely automated electronic system keeping things around the world running smoothly? Think about all of the time it would save. The problem is, as with the more sinister world domination plans, that the Vision is not giving anyone the choice as to whether or not they want him to run things. He's making the classic mistake of thinking that he knows better so doesn't need to ask. His team mates have noticed the change in his personality, partially cultivated we must assume to ease his transition into power - he tries to be friendly and positive so that people will accept him as a good person to be running things. And, likely, he would be. But when human beings have their choice taken away, it irks them, regardless of whether or not the choice that's been made for them is a good one.

We'll just have to see how things pan out, but not for a little while. Instead, let's detour into the extreme far future and a fantastic comic about a man fighting himself. A whole bunch of himselves.

To be continued.

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