
Sep 5, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 923: Avengers Annual v.1 #13, 1984

This is going to be a short post. This comic was kind of disappointing. It's annoying, because it took a lot longer to read than a usual comic, and the creative team had me very exciting. But I think that the combination of Byrne and Ditko turns out to not be a particularly profitable one. What it ends up looking like is a combination of the worst aspects of both artists. Ditko's cooky messiness disappears under the clean lines of Byrne, and Byrne's dynamism is reigned in by some very static pencils on Ditko's part.

It's kind of a cool story, with an interesting array of Avengers, so I'm curious as to how this story would have played out in the hands of an artist who was used to these characters. But, sadly, in the hands of a couple of masters, it ends up looking a bit amateurish.

Back to the regular series tomorrow! To be continued.

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