
Aug 17, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 904: Avengers v.1 #238, December 1983

Late night out. Totally forgot to blog this. Will do so in the AM.

Or the PM, as the case may be. I'm off camping this weekend, so this is going to be really short. Starfox helps the Vision regain some of his health using Tritanian technology, which seems to have given the Vision a newfound confidence. Methinks problems are afoot.

That aside, I was wrong about Moonstone and Blackout vanishing until the end of Stern's run. Their capture is the main focus of today's issue, though Blackout manages to inadvertently facilitate their escape - but where they escape to may not be to either his or Moonstone's liking. Not to worry. We'll see them again.

To be continued. 

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