
Apr 10, 2016

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 411: Green Lantern #90, August 1976

With this issue, it had been 4 years since there had been a Green Lantern title in publication, which, to me in the present, seems insane. Not that I've ever been a particular fan of Hal Jordan (more a Kyle Rayner fan, myself), but the Green Lantern name is A-list, and the fact that there was a time when he was out of print is bizarre.

This is a pretty good tale, of aliens and mistaken identity, but suffers for its being a follow-up to the O'Neil/Adams run on the title. Of course, Adams is replaced with Grell here, who eventually comes to redefine the character of Green Arrow, who co-stars with Lantern for a little while.

I wonder if anyone's ever explained why the rhyme Green Lantern repeats each time he charges his ring is necessary. I can't remember if it's part of the Geoff John's GL reboot of the 2000s, but in this issue its a pretty fundamental part of the story, in that the ring won't recharge unless the rhyme is not only spoken, but completed. While GL is, for the most part, a science fiction character, this uses of rhyme smacks of magic, a nice link to the powers of the original Green Lantern.

I'll do some research, and find out. Onward!

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