
Nov 11, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1355: Moon Girl #3, Spring 1948 (Flashback Replica #9)

Yeah, I got hooked. But at the price these comics command, I'm going to have to stretch things out.

We get a nice mix of tales today, and even a visit back to Moon Girl's home country, Sarkomand. It isn't, as I'd first thought, a female-only society, a la Themyscira, but is a matriarchal society. Moon Girl, or Princess Luna's mother, the Queen, is caught up in a coup, and the Prince and Princess return home to lend a hand.

Satana shows up again, firing missiles at various targets all over the US for reasons. The final story is a classic twist story: we see a splash page of Moon Girl as criminal (shocking!), and follow the exploits of a villainous double until the real hero shows up and all is explained. I think that one thing that gets overlooked here is that, without prosthetics or make-up, there was literally someone who looked exactly like Moon Girl, just with blonde hair. How weird would that be? Then again, this is a superhero world. Stuff like that just happens.

From what I can tell, Canton Street Press published seven issues of Moon Girl. These two are all my local comic store had, so it looks like cons or the Internet next. But not until I've saved up my pennies.

More to come...

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