
Mar 24, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1123: Supreme #18, August 1994

And just like that, Supreme's madness subsides (well, after some more random violence).

I am not entirely certain what the story, what the moral, what the point was of this 6-part story. I can't imagine waiting with baited breath every month to see 20 pages of impossible people beating the crap out of each other. Like, literally half a year of this. But, if the letters pages are to be believed, there are those who thought this was the greatest comic they'd ever read. I'm stunned.

The aforementioned Grizlock confederate, Simple Simon, shows up and hands Supreme his ass, and then flies off, cackling (well, not really, but he may as well have).

I thought breaking Supreme up into manageable chunks would make it easier, but this comic is just dismal. Except that issue with Spawn.

More to come...

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