
Mar 22, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1121: Supreme #16, July 1994

Nope. I was right. Random superhero fight.

Yesterday's issue was an aberration, I think, a fluke in which all of a sudden there was growth and character development - Supreme was becoming a rounded individual. Maybe it's every two issues....?

The appearance of Stormwatch in today's issue reminds me of the idea of a recuperation of the old Image titles through the series they would one day become. Stormwatch is pretty basic for the first while, until Warren Ellis gets his dark hands all over it and it becomes some of the best superhero stuff out there. Seeing Hellstrike and Fuji and everyone here was a nice reminder to me of what they would eventually become. And of their grisly fate.

Though perhaps that's been retconned now?

More to come...

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