
Mar 14, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1113: The Doom Patrol #105, August 1966

Y'know, I take back some of the stuff I said about Rita becoming a bit too June Cleaver-ish once she marries Mento. In today's issue she lies right to his face, says she's going shopping, and then boots off on a mission with the DP. And, finally, she discovers the truth about Beast Boy's guardian. The resolution of this story plays out over the next few issues. I know I've mentioned this before, but I'm not sure how many comics were doing multi-part stories like this back in the day of the original Doom Patrol series. Beast Boy's story has now been running through 6 issues, and continues for some time. I'm now curious to have a look at other stuff that Drake wrote to see if this is peculiar to the DP, or if it's a way he was telling stories throughout the DCU.

The other neat bit of today's comic is the conclusion of Cliff's origin story. For someone recently transferred into a robotic body, he's very comfortable ripping bits of himself off to use as tools. There's some weird, psychological body horror thing going on here that I may have to think about a bit more.

More to come...

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