
Jan 31, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1071: Supreme #10, February 1994

What to say about the origin of Supreme?

Not much, really. He has a fairly standard "experimented on by scientists" back story. What's actually kind of cool about it is that it's revealed that Supreme was only around for about 5 or 6 years before he left Earth. Right after the Second World War, he leaves to pursue his destiny in space. Is it any wonder that no one would remember him 50 years later?

I've decided to break the reading of Supreme up a bit, because, honestly, this stuff is hard to take in such large doses. We're heading into the last few issues for this go around, all of them culled from across the Extreme universe in their first big crossover, "Extreme Prejudice." I don't have the whole crossover, but I'm sure I have enough that we can follow the action. So get ready for some comics that have people fighting other people, and not much else.

Though there's still that nagging future context. *sigh* Do I like these comics or not?

To be continued.

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