
Dec 8, 2015

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 287: The New Avengers v.4 #1, December 2015

I wasn't planning on getting any of the Avengers titles after Hickman left. I really couldn't see the point. Of course, I said the same thing after Bendis left, and what a mistake that would have been. But I've seen the preview of the Mark Waid Avengers, and though I love Waid's work, I wasn't particularly impressed.

And then there was Squirrel Girl.

See her, up there, right in the center of the cover? I am thoroughly excited for the fact that she is going to be the beating heart of this Avengers team, and she's going to be weird and quirky and amazing, and the first issue bears that out, by the way. This comic reads like a cross between the Bendis-era New Avengers and Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, and it's really very good. I've never read anything by Al Ewing (as far as I know), but he's given each of the characters a very distinct and wonderful personality, there's already a really fantastic dynamic to the team, and the weird, jewel-headed creatures taking over Paris are just weird enough to bring me back for more next month.

And, of course, Squirrel Girl.

I mentioned a few days ago, in reference to the new Moon-Girl and Devil Dinosaur series, that Marvel is creating this very interesting, quirky, and really cool little corner of their universe. New Avengers is the team book for that little corner. This is a bit of an oddball team, especially to have the name "Avengers," but things in the Marvel U have been pretty epic of late. Perhaps oddball is just what we need.

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