
Dec 3, 2015

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 282: The Infinite Loop #3, June 2015

Interestingly, the scan above does not include the "mature readers" warning that the copy I actually own does. And, given the relatively explicit sex scene that occurs on the second page, the caution label is a fair addition. Up to this point, I feel like this comic has had a hard time trying to figure out who its audience is - initially I would have said teens and young adults, but the inclusion of Teddy and Ano's lovemaking perhaps pushes that range a little higher. Y'know, because we can't have the kids seeing loving sex scenes or anything.

This is the philosophy issue of the series. Much of the time is spent in Teddy's "closet," a small portion of spacetime that she has sealed off from the rest of the universe. Ano spends her time here reading humanist texts, a process that radicalizes her to the point of proposing a revolution, with Teddy at the forefront. Teddy is hesitant, hoping to remain hidden, and, she assumes, happy.

The revelation of the identity of the "forgers," against whom Teddy's agency labours, is good, but not really unexpected. What will prove this comic to be either mediocre or really, truly excellent, will be the subsequent handling of (SPOILER ALERT) multiple iterations of the same character. I've just finished marking some essays from my class, and many of the students chose to write about the problem of nature versus nurture in our texts - the depiction of the Teddys will say much about Colinet and Charretier's thoughts on this dichotomy.

Tomorrow I'll be moving on to the latest issue I have, though there are two more in the series. I've not read issue #4 yet, so it'll be a lovely surprise to see where the story goes. Join me, won't you?

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