
Nov 21, 2015

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 270: Chase #3, April 1998

Well, as a surprise to no one, Cameron Chase survives the startling ending of the previous issue, and is subsequently taken prisoner by The Shining Path rebel army, and then placed into a virtual reality in which she sort-of defeats a program that is the sentient result of all of the e-traffic with which our world is inundated. If that's the sort of thing that happened in the 90s, I can't imagine what this virtual embodiment of our interactions would look like now. Probably a lot dumber.

I'd noted last time that I'd thought it a little early to have a multi-issue story in this series, though I'm beginning to wonder if it's reflective of something narratological. That the DEO have sent a rookie agent into a foreign country, perhaps not entirely legally, gives we, the readers, an opportunity to consider that the DEO may not completely be on the up and up, and what I perceive as a bit of an oddity with the multi-part story reflects, in a way, the oddity of the mission upon which Chase has been sent.

If that makes any sense.

There is a nice moment of foreshadowing, or at least menace, at the end of the issue, when Copperhead realizes that Chase has survived their debacle at the Construct's temple, and that, just perhaps, he and the rest of the Suicide Squad escapees have just made a potentially troublesome enemy. Though the fact that the series only lasted 10 issues does not fill me with much hope that we'll see the outcome of this foreshadowing, it's nice to see these kind of relationships/animosities set up.

More Chase tomorrow.

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