
May 30, 2020

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1921: Legion of Superheroes #64, January 1995

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 I don't have much to say about this comic. I've got a project that I'm going to start tomorrow, and it makes just talking blithely about superheroes feel a little unimportant.

But we'll get there tomorrow.

I may have to see about getting some more of this run some time. Putting Mark Waid and Tom Peyer together as writers on these titles is a stroke of genius. Both are absolute masters of superhero storytelling, and it shines through in the dialogue and interactions that happen across the two books. Again, it annoys me a bit that you need to read one to get the other - I can see where it would allow the writers some leeway in telling their stories, but it is, as I've said about the Superman books of the same era, completely unfair to fans and consumers who may only have limited amounts of investment, emotional and financial.

Okay, enough of the Legion for now. More to follow.

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