
May 20, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1180: Action Comics #560, October 1984

I think that despite our mutual love of the Doom Patrol, Kieth Giffen and I have very different senses of humour. I just don't get Ambush Bug. I was thinking about this before sitting down to write, and it feels to me like every Ambush Bug story I read, at least the Giffen/Fleming ones, are set in a strange parallel version of the DCU, though AB's presence on Oolong Island in Giffen's Doom Patrol suggests otherwise. Though, with the Doom Patrol, you never know.

Today's lead story was an interesting one-off (unless John Doe every returns, I guess), most notably because we see a scene of the super-villain buying weapons from the Monitor. I wish I'd been following comics at the time, to see the build up through these titles to Crisis on Infinite Earths, but alas I wasn't even reading comics regularly (not superhero ones, anyway) at this point. And certainly not DC stuff. I was a dyed in the wool Marvel fan in my early youth.

What makes this appearance of the Monitor doubly interesting is that this issue of Action was not written by Marv Wolfman, so we see insertions of the Crisis lead-up in other titles by other writers. This has got to be one of the earliest instances of cross-continuity story telling by numerous writers. And for someone who's interested in how these universes grow and evolve, that's a pretty bit thing.

More to come...

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