
Apr 23, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1153: Detective Comics #633, August 1991

We come to a break in Mr. Milligan's Bat-works now, with a cool little story that, unlike the previous ones, actually involves someone with superpowers. The mistaken identity trope is played out in a very novel way in this tale. I've no idea if the pro/antagonist of this piece has any other appearances, or if he was created just for this story, but it was a neat device.

I'm still not sold on Batman. I don't know what it is, but he's just too goddamn grim, I think. Like, lighten up, just a bit, every now and again. Isn't that why there is a Robin? So that there's a little light in the Dark Knight's world? But we see that so rarely, I think. Perhaps it's just that I haven't been reading sustained runs of the title. And these are guest-written stories as well, meaning that they're not likely to have any of the character development stuff that the regular creative team would probably handle.

I was mentioning how little interest I have in Batman to a local comic shop owner the other day, and noting how happy I was to find Milligan's stuff, as it's a bit different from the usual Bat stuff. He looked at me and said that with 80 years to choose from, there's bound to be something to enjoy in there. Which makes so much sense.

More to come...

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