
Mar 17, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1116: Teen Titans #6, December 1966

We're ending this chunk of the Doom Patrol's story with a brief tangent following Gar Logan's first attempt to join the Teen Titans. He does, of course, become a member eventually, taking the moniker Changeling, but Beast Boy still has a few adventures to go on with the fabulous freaks.

(Also, I was unable to find the second part of yesterday's story, so let's call that our end of season cliffhanger...)

There's a slightly macabre moment in this comic where the Titans pose as a troupe of acrobats to infiltrate a corrupt circus. As this is a comic aimed at younger audiences, there's no mention of Robin's origin story, but one has to imagine that this is a horrifying experience for him. Fortunately he's got a weirdly-hybridised Beast Boy to distract him from thoughts of the night he was orphaned.

Well. That got dark quickly.

More to come...

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