
Feb 28, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1099: The Doom Patrol #100, December 1965

A scientist "reverse evolves" a number of birds into dinosaurs thanks to a secret formula that Beast Boy carries with him.

Y'know, why carry these things around, really?

More interesting is the back-up feature, one of the first that delves into the geneses of our heroes. Well, some of them. We never actually get back story for Rita, only for the men. Pity. I bet she had some good times in Hollywood. So what's cool is that we see Cliff in this issue in his transition phase to hero(ish). It does a nice job of recontextualizing the character and his anger. I can imagine going back to the first story (perhaps when I read the collected versions?) and bearing in mind as I read it that perhaps weeks earlier, Cliff Steele had wanted nothing more than to end his own life. It adds a level of nuance to his grumpiness.

More to come...

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