
Feb 21, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1092: Nightcrawler #10, November 2005

Kurt's odyssey continues, and the secret he glimpsed in the throes of his coma is revealed.

I admit, I was a bit confused at this point. I haven't followed the X-Men for a long, long time, and even though this is a 14 year old comic, it's still an era of the team with which I'm not familiar. So I wasn't sure why the Soulsword wasn't with Illyana or Kitty, or how old Illyana was meant to be at this point, and then when did Amanda Sefton take control of Limbo - is is even the same Limbo that Illyana ruled? Probably, given the Soulsword link.

Anyway, I had questions for about a minute, then I just let it wash over me and accept that I can't know all things. Sometimes reading an X-Men comic is very Zen.

Oh, and Man-Thing is in the comic. I hope he's in tomorrow's too!

To be continued.

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