
Feb 14, 2018

Giant Box of Comics Breaks the Law! - Dungeons & Dragons

One of my earliest memories of Dungeons & Dragons is the comic strip ads that ran in such publications as Doctor Who Weekly, or in the occasional superhero comics I picked up in my very early youth. As I've been going through the collection, as with the Earth-H stuff, I've been coming across whole storylines in these ads. I hadn't realized there was a story there. So, in the interest of sharing, here's some D'n'D comics. There's a few discrete stories, so I'll spread them out. And, of course, I'm still trying to track down what I can.

(Hey, Wizards of the Coast, if you own the rights to these, sorry, I'm not trying to piss you off. And if you want to publish them, I'd be happy to write an introduction to the volume for you!)

These comics are scanned from Epic Illustrated Magazine August, October, and December 1981 and February, April, June, and  August 1982. As far as I know this constitutes a full storyline.

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