
Jan 25, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1065: Supreme #5, August 1993

Hey! There's those teeth I was talking about. Now compare that to the closed mouth from yesterday's cover, and explain.

Retractable, perhaps?

Yesterday I talked about the lack of history that contributes to the difficulties I'm having with Supreme. There is some attempt here to fill out that history, but it really raises more questions than it answers. Khrome is a former ally of Supreme who becomes a dictator on a planet that the two of them liberate. And then Supreme and his allies come back and try to depose Khrome in what is known as "The Battle of Maxia." In today's comic, Khrome accuses Supreme of doing this to increase the glory he desires, and that puts the character of Supreme into a much more clear focus. Don't think about the collateral damage, only the songs that will be sung about you after the battle is done. I'm not sure that this strategy is working for him too well at the moment.

And then there's the matter of that tear at the end of the first issue. If he's only interested in glory, why be mournful about the state of his native world? I'm really hoping this will be addressed, somehow.

To be continued.

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