
Nov 18, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 997: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #22, 1988

Kind of a "meh" comic today, but really, the whole of the crossover so far has felt that way. It's a little weird, because it's definitely top name creators, at least as far as Marvel in the 80s goes, but the stories are just okay, not awesome.

The team-up of Spider-Man and Daredevil is nicely handled, especially considering that Daredevil was well into his dark years at this point. It's nice to see that he's still capable of levity - when a character is darkened like he was, sometimes writers forget that there's another side to human experience that isn't quite so bleak. But, then again, we're only 2 years from the 90s in this issue, and we all know how bleak the beginning of that decade was.

I'm off to see about getting the last two issues of the crossover from a local shop, the last one I can think of nearby that carries back issues this old. But if I can't find them...then I can't find them. At some point I'll have to stop trying to complete series that I read, otherwise this'll be come the 80 Years of Comics Project - and I'm not sure I have that long left in me!

To be continued.

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