
Nov 26, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1005: The Avengers v.1 #300, February 1989

See yesterday, re: stories. Inferno continues, and this motley crew races after Nanny and the Orphan-Maker.

What I really think is cool about this comic is that fucking Gilgamesh is in it. And he even claims to be the Gilgamesh from the ancient epic. I first read it in a course about the Bible and literature, and we read it as a precursor to reading from the Bible. The gist of the course was that there are particular needs we humans need fulfilled (like that guy Maslow says) and if you read literature, and its ancestor myth, you can see common patterns of images emerging that represent these things. It's super cool. So we looked at precursors to the Bible, then read some of that (as the course was also based around Frye's Words With Power), and then expanded the reading to imagery in imaginative literatures. It's the first course I got to start playing with the idea that eventually became my MA Thesis, so I have a soft spot for it.

This comic made me want to find a copy of The Epic of Gilgamesh, and read it with that dude up there in the main role. It's nice to see some representation from a pantheon outside of the Norse and Greek in the Marvel U, even if it does turn out that Enkidu's pal was actually an Eternal.

To be continued.

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