
Oct 13, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 961: Avengers v.1 #271, September 1986

Oooooo....we're getting stuck into my favourite part of this run. As the Wasp and Paladin head to jail to question the new Yellowjacket (remember her from a couple of issues back?), Captain Marvel discovers that the FBI has been tracking a series of jailbreaks of very dangerous supervillains. What I neglected to mention about yesterday's comic is that it features one of these jailbreaks, as the just-captured Moonstone is "rescued" by the Absorbing Man and Titania.


Have I mentioned how I really love the Black Knight in this run? He comes back from having spent years fighting in the Crusades (like, the actual Crusades), and looks to rejoin the Avengers just as the Vision is losing his synthetic marbles, and then he starts to fall for the Wasp, who's basically his boss. It makes for some excellent inner dialogue from Mr. Whitman (the Knight) that keeps the series firmly planted in the soap opera.

The villains don't escape, by the way. Except for Yellowjacket. I wonder where she'll pop up next....?

To be continued.

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