
Feb 27, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 733: Nemi, 2007

Today's comic is one of those rare ones that doesn't have a GCD entry. It's a preview volume for a series of graphic novels to be published by Titan Books, collecting in English a popular Norwegian newspaper strip. Nemi is a cute goth girl who deals with life's odd little dilemmas. The nice thing about the strip is that goth is Nemi's look, and perhaps lifestyle, but that doesn't mean it inflects everything in her life. She has friends who are not goth, and likes guys who aren't necessarily a part of the subculture. In this way, it's a nice way of seeing the similarities between people of different subcultures and, by proxy, cultures.

The art is lovely and evocative, with the characters occasionally transcending into outright cartoonishness - though only when the situation deems it appropriate. And, as it's a European comic, it's not afraid to stray into topics that might be considered taboo in North American newspaper comics, such as not remembering who it is you've woken up next to in the morning. Honestly, Nemi is the sort of person I'd want as a friend, though is definitely the kind of person whose friends might be required to pick up the pieces of her life on a semi-regular basis.

Recommended, if you can track it down.

To be continued.

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