
Jan 17, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 692: Meat Cake #9, April 1999

This is a very, very strange comic. Edward Gorey, Charles Dickens, they'd have been very entertained by Dame Darcy's work. While I'll admit that I picked this issue up pretty much because there's an Alan Moore story in it (and it's a very cool story), Dame Darcy's own characters won me over. Their adventures in grave robbing and fishing are fantastic. A brief glance at her Wikipedia page is evidence enough that Meat Cake is the product of an artist, someone who has devoted herself to pursuing her artistic inclinations in all the facets she enjoys. I'm thoroughly inspired by this. We labour far too often under the misapprehension that we should choose a thing and be that thing for the rest of our lives. What if, instead, we did the things that we wanted to do?


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