
Nov 12, 2016

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 626: Adventures @ eBay #1, 2000

A first for the project this morning: I sat down to read my comic for today, Michel Rabagliati's FCBD title The Adventures of Paul, but when I came to access the information on my database, it turns out I read this comic well over a year ago. I suppose it was bound to happen, especially once I abandoned the alphabetical read-through. So instead, I present today a very, very weird little promotional comic. Given the publication date, I must have procured this while working for Cover to Cover Books in Hanover, Ontario, and basically this is a step-by-step guide to buying comics on eBay. Drawn by Judd Winnick. Written by Jen Van Meter and Greg "I redefined Wonder Woman/co-created Batwoman" Rucka. I, at first, questioned how eBay could possibly have swayed these amazing creators to write what amounts to a long-form advertisement, until I realized that this was 16 years ago, and these were creators still in the process of making names for themselves.

Anyway, it's pretty much what you'd expect. It tries to make the argument that buying online is much better than braving the wild streets of the city, and the dense jungles of the comic store, to get your back issues. For me, the most amusing part is the panel that says "Now you need to send payment...", which anyone whose ever used eBay will know is the reason why it's a terrible place to buy comics. Like most online shopping, you'll get blasted by the shipping.

I have nothing else to say about this. It's literally an advertisement in comic form. Onward.

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