
Jul 26, 2016

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 517: Batman, Inc. #4, April 2011

I had forgotten what a large role Batwoman plays in the Batman, Inc. story. And when I refer to it that way, it's because I've come to realize that all of Batman, Inc., both volumes, are one large story, far more explicitly than the previous tales in Morrison's Bat-narrative. That said, this globe-spanning tale is weaving in aspects of every single facet of Morrison's run, which should surprise no one that's familiar with his writing.

We get a bit more Chris Burnham in this issue, an artist whose style is just enough Quitely and just enough himself to make him fantastic. There's something cleanly and brashly rugged about his depictions of these characters, and his attention to making Batwoman look like the J.H. Williams III version is quite lovely.

So we have a strange man on an island in the South Atlantic (probably a Falkland), who may be an unrepentant Nazi war criminal, may be the first Batwoman's dad, and who seems to be in the process of springing a death trap that encircles the globe. Here's the thing about Batman, Inc.: you have to pay attention. Much like the spiral that Bruce and company are plummeting into (a reference that'll make sense in about a week!), there's a simultaneous expansion and contraction of the story that makes things occasionally challenging to follow. Which is a good thing; being challenged by our entertainment media is not something that happens very often. We should cherish it when it does.


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