
Feb 3, 2016

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 344: 7 Guys of Justice #3, April 2000

Ah, yes. Our heroes pose before the flag of these United States of America, standing tall and proud and fighting for life, liberty, and the pursuit of...beavers?

The final showdown between Dr. Jerque, the Beaver Collective, and the (finally) 7 Guys of Justice is by turns hilarious and action-packed, and often both at the same time. The Surprise finally joins the team (after having been featured in Hostess-style single page comics in the previous two issues), even though he's actually just an actor and has no super powers to speak of. Numerous foreshadowings are foreshadowed, the team's name, which should have been the Seven Knights of Justice, is Taloned (yes, that's going to be a verb from now on), and everything ends on an auspicious note, promising ridiculous and awesome things to come.

I'll drop a spoiler here. The series only lasts 13 issues. I don't remember for sure, but I think it ends on a cliffhanger, and my research on these InterWebs reveals absolutely no plans for a continuation of the series.

But those 13 issues, while we've got them, oh my.


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