
Jan 23, 2016

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 333: World's Finest Comics #203, June 1971

Recovering from illness, getting back on track. A bit of old skool Superman and Aquaman action is just what the doctor ordered.

Not a medical doctor, of course.

This is the second comic I've read during the project that has featured humanoid dolphins. I wonder if this is a trope I'm going to need to keep an eye on. These ones are a little less-evolved than Bruce Jones' colonists, and they offer a sinister take on the idea of a genderless society. At the comic's end, Aquaman even notes that the lack of gender differentiation (the creatures reproduce by fission) might account for their inability to love, only hate. I'm not sure I totally buy that argument, but it's definitely an interesting note to end on, especially for a DC comic from the 1970s.

That's all for now. Still trying to catch up on all the work I've missed the last couple of days. More quarter bin nonsense (in the kindest sense of the word) tomorrow.

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