
Jan 7, 2016

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 317: The Fearless Defenders #4AU, July 2013

What's kind of nice about this particular crossover issue is that I have pretty much no idea of what the Fearless Defenders are like in regular continuity, so this just seemed like a cool story with some semi-familiar characters, like another chapter of Age of Ultron (which it is), as opposed to a reimagining of something with which I was already engaged.

So, the first question that pops to mind, of course, is when the hell did Hippolyta become a character in the Marvel U, and how come she's so frickin' badass?

This issue gives us the most comprehensive look at the Latveria-Asgard Wars, though saying that it's comprehensive is a bit of a misnomer. We see a few aftermath shots, and that's about it. I have to say, were they ever to return to the AoU, I'd love to see this war played out as a proper, boots on the ground (a la Siege:Embedded) title. Style it after the old 70s DC war comics, keep the level of superheroic silliness (said in the most affectionate manner possible, btw) to a minimum, and give us a good, solid war tale. Doom versus Odin, with Thor and Sif, and the Warriors Three, and Baldur and Loki, and (somehow) Ares all mixed in. I'm getting Illiadic shivers down the spine.

Not much else to say about this issue. Hippolyta's costume is fantastic, but I would have expected nothing less from Phil Jiminez. I used to equate him with the second volume of The Invisibles, but really he's more one of the men who now sits at the feet of the Wonder Women. Maybe they'll give Hippolyta her own series, and he can write and draw it, and not have to deal with silly New 52 Wonder Woman.

(Y'know, every now and again I'll write something like that about the New 52 and feel bad, since I've read so little of it. And then I'll pick up an issue and read it and it's just fucking crap. *sigh*)

Coming up to crunch time with two issues left. Who will live, who will die, will anything even remotely change at the end of the crossover? Stay tuned!

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