
Dec 30, 2015

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 309: Age of Ultron #3, May 2013

Ick. Not sure this is a great plan, Cap. But at least we get to see a couple of the heaviest hitters in the Marvel U in the spotlight. Luke Cage is all set to be a new superstar, once his Netflix series gets released. She-Hulk is a great character who gets all too little attention, so to see her volunteer for so dangerous a mission (being sold to Ultron as an infiltration) is great. We get to see the different way that she deals with the powers associated with a Hulk, rather than her angrier cousin.

There's some great debate about Hank Pym in this issue, and having just watched the Ant-Man film, Pym is on my mind. He, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards can all be accused of letting intellect get in the way of their better judgment, but it seems to me the Pym is the only one who is ever really vilified by his peers, based around his creation of Ultron (and his propensity for spousal abuse, but that seems to problematically recede into the background sometimes). It's interesting to me that they lay that Burden on Stark in the second Avengers movie, but I think that's because we're going to have to see him as a villain in some ways once Civil War hits.

Well, depending on whose side you're on, I guess.

But back to this crossover. While Cap's plan seems a bit dodgy, other players in the Marvel U are taking things a bit more cautiously. As with Black Widow and Moon Knight in the previous issue, we're given a glimpse of Chicago, and the Red Hulk, Black Panther, and (colour-free) Taskmaster. Here, as they try to retrieve a piece of an Ultron for study, we see a less blatant attempt to understand and take down the robotic despot. Whether this, or the Fury files, will be of any help to the falling heroes remains to be seen.


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